Parental Engagement and Support
At Broomwood Primary School we highly value the role parents and carers play in their children's education. In the Early Years Foundation Stage we work closely with parents to develop a deeper understanding of your child and how we can support them best when they are in our setting.
Play and stay sessions
Each term we host a play and stay session where you are welcome to come into class and engage in exciting activities alongside your child. Your children love nothing more than to show you want they have been learning and show you their learning environment. These sessions are open to all members of the family and we will keep you informed through letters and text messages when they occur.
Focus child approach
Across Early Years we use a focus child approach to gather detailed observations of a set group of children and plan their next steps. Your child will be a focus child once every half-term. It is during this time that we will encourage you to contribute evidence towards your child's learning by sharing their achievements at home. This will take place through Tapestry.
Tapestry is our new platform that we will be using to communicate, upload observations, share learning between home and school and provide homework. Tapestry is a platform for parents to share wonderful learning and experiences from home. We love to see where your child has been at the weekends, hobbies they have outside outside of school and wonderful moments which make you proud.
Useful Websites for Parents
Below you will find a list of useful websites and leaflets full of information that you can use to help support your child's learning and development.
Hungry Little Minds
Practical tips for parents and carers to support children with their early language skills.
Tiny Happy People
Tips, advice and simple play ideas to help your child's language development.