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Welcome to our Nursery Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.

So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.

Your Class Teachers

This year you are lucky enough to have Mrs Russell as your child's class teacher, and Miss Walton as your child's teaching assistant, full time in Nursery.



We will be doing stretch and grow on a Monday afternoon and Friday morning. Come in your active clothes/shoes for these sessions. 

Yoga will be every Monday with Mrs Ash. 

We will be doing forest school every Wednesday so please come dressed appropriately - waterproofs, wellies and layers during the winter months. 


It is important that your child builds up a love of books and reading for pleasure! 

Every Monday your child will be given a new library book when their previous one is returned. This book is to enjoy together throughout the week and over the weekend. 

Story bags will be given out to your child when they are a focus child for that week. This includes a book for you to share and enjoy with your child, as well as some other resources. Please look after the resources within the bag and return it on the Monday ready to be sent home with another child. 


Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:

All homework should be completed by the following Monday and Mrs Russell will check and respond to this within that time.  Some homework will involve an activity through the app, and other homework challenges will be a practical challenge for you to complete with your child. 


Our Autumn topic is: Who lives in my house? 

Within this topic the children will be learning all about themselves and their family. We will be learning about differences and similarities in our physical appearance, our family, our interests, and the experiences that we have had. We will be spending lots of time getting to know each other and our Nursery classroom before getting stuck into our first topic of the year. 

Our key text for Autumn 1 is 'Large families' and for Autumn 2, Owl Babies.  

Our Personal, Social and Emotional focus for this half term will be...

  • To build up relationships with new teachers and peers
  • To understand and talk about who they are and the people who are special to them.
  • Understand and follow the daily routine with support from adults and visual aids
  • Learn to share resources within the classroom and the rules of the classroom
  • Begin to talk about feelings- sad, happy
  • Show an interest in familiar/new toys when exploring the environment
  • To become more independent once settled into Nursery - Knowing where to put coat, going to the toilet etc.
  • To join in during circle times, talking about likes and dislikes and engaging with other peers.

Our Communication and Language focus for this half term will be...

  • To become familiar with the school routine and develop language related to this - days of the week, morning, afternoon, lunch time, outside time, group time etc.
  • To communicate with key adults and peers in the school environment
  • To join in with group time and discussions around interests and the topic.
  • To understand who they are and articulate this - name, age, interests, family, who lives in their house.
  • To show understanding of prepositions in front, behind, in, under when making houses.
  • To use plurals when talking about the amount of people who live in their house.

Our Physical Development focus for this half term will be... 

  • To be able to use a range of body parts and move in different ways - stretch and grow.
  • To adapt speed and change direction to avoid obstacles.
  • To become confident in using the outdoor climbing equipment.
  • To develop riding skills using the bikes.
  • To use a range of tools to create shapes when making a house
  • To mark make to represent their name.
  • To access the playdough table, squashing and squeezing to build a house.

Our Literacy focus for this half term will be...

  • To engage with conversations around a familiar story - pointing out people that they have in their family/who live in their house
  • To begin to orally retell a familiar, repetitive story
  • To use family books to talk about own family members
  • To engage in phase 1 phonic sessions and activities daily
  • To access the writing area, making marks and giving meaning to these
  • To draw lines and circles to create a picture of a house.

Our Maths focus for this half term will be...

  • To join in with daily number songs
  • To count the people that are in their family and that live in their house
  • To share an amount of objects (up to 5) between a group
  • To use the dolls house to develop awareness of positional language- in front and behind, under and on
  • To use the bee-bots to talk about our routes to school

Our Understanding the world focus for this half term will be...

  • To gain an understanding of their new daily routine in school 
  • To develop an understanding of themselves and each other 
  • To understand what Autumn is and what happens during Autumn 
  • To share information about their family, and where they live 
  • To share special events and festivals that they celebrate and learn about other festivals 
  • To develop new relationships and friendships 
  • To get involved in sensory experiences in the classroom 
  • To explore the indoor and outdoor environment in the classroom

Our Expressive, Arts and Design focus for this half term will be... 

  • To become familiar with instruments and the sounds that they make
  • To have a try at playing a variety of musical instruments
  • To share previous experiences within the role play home corner
  • To happily play alongside other children
  • To access the mark making and creative areas in the classroom
  • To use a range of different media when mark making
  • To explore colour