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Welcome to our Nursery Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.

So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.

Your Class Teachers

This year you are lucky enough to have Mrs Russell as your child's class teacher, full time in Nursery.

You will also have three teaching assistants that support in your class. Mrs Fowles is in Nursery Monday and Tuesday, Miss Walton in is Nursery Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Miss Jones works within Nursery during the morning session.



PE will take place every Wednesday. Please come wearing active clothes and shoes. 


It is important that your child builds up a love of books and reading for pleasure! 

Every Monday your child will be given a new library book when their previous one is returned. This book is to enjoy together throughout the week and over the weekend. 

Story bags will be given out to your child when they are a focus child for that week. This includes a book for you to share and enjoy with your child, as well as some other resources. Please look after the resources within the bag and return it on the Monday ready to be sent home with another child. 


Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:

All homework should be completed by the following Monday and Mrs Russell will check and respond to this within that time.  Some homework will involve an activity through the app, and other homework challenges will be a practical challenge for you to complete with your child. 


Our summer topic is: What can we do with water? 

Within this topic the children will be learning all about water. We will be exploring where rain comes from and what we need to wear in the rain. We will be experimenting what materials float and what materials sink and how to make ice melt. We will learn about how to travel on water and with a bit of nice weather, we will be able to have lots of fun with water at our beach party!  

Our key text is The Storm Whale 

Our Personal, Social and Emotional focus for this half term will be...

  • To engage in group tasks e.g. building guttering

  • To discuss if they like the rain

  • To talk about their experiences of going to the seaside/ playing with water

  • To discuss who their friends are (sharing a shell)

  • To begin the transition to Reception

Our Communication and Language focus for this half term will be...

  • To sort out clothes for a hot and then a rainy day and communicate this
  • To make voice sounds to represent water

  • To give instructions to peers

  • To follow more complicated instructions - to create boats.

  • To talk about transition, how we feel and what we are looking forward to. 

Our Physical Development focus for this half term will be... 

  • To use their thumb and first finger to operate spray bottles
  • To pour between jugs and containers with control
  • To tip watering cans
  • To balance across objects and beams
  • To blow bubbles
  • To mix liquids together
  • To shape pipe cleaners to make bubble wands
  • To peg the clothes up and practice zips and buttons

Our Literacy focus for this half term will be...

  • Orally retell the story of The storm Whale. 

  • To change the character within the story 

  • To give meaning to marks. 

  • To show an interest in non-fiction texts about water and sea animals

  • To assign meaning to print in the environment

  • To recognise familiar labels and signs

  • To orally retell a story and begin to scribe with an adult

Our Maths focus for this half term will be...

  • Sing once I caught a fish alive 

  • Sing five little ducks. 

  • To discuss the shape and size of shells

  • To name 2D shapes - circle, square, triangle and rectangle. 

  • To name 3D shapes - Sphere, cuboid, pyramid 

  • To continue and create ABAB patterns and spot patterns in the environment 

Our Understanding the world focus for this half term will be...

  • To observe changes in weather
  • To make ice melt and observe the changes
  • To know how ice is made
  • To identify animals that live under the sea
  • To explore floating and sinking
  • To name the key features of boats

Our Expressive, Arts and Design focus for this half term will be... 

  • To build guttering for water to travel down

  • To construct boats with key features

  • To explore colour mixing in water

  • To use music and voice sounds to create water sounds – splash, drip, swoosh. 

  • To create small world scenes of oceans