Year 1SE
Welcome to Year 1SE Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.
So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.
Your Class Teachers
This year you are lucky enough to have 2 different teachers within your class.
Mrs Stephani will be teaching on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs Ellingford will be teaching on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Brown will be supporting the class with their learning on Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Harrison will be supporting the class with their learning on a Wednesday.
PE will take place on Monday for street dance and Friday for gymnastics this term.
For PE sessions please bring the following:
- Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
- White t-shirt or polo shirt
- Black pumps or trainers
It is usually best to leave your child's PE kit in school for the half-term so that it is always available to use.
Please ensure every item is clearly named.
It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day as the days on which they will be able to read with an adult may change from time to time. It is also crucial that you listen to your child read each evening and ensure that you sign their reading record highlighting what they have read and how they performed.
Within this class reading records will be checked and books changed on a Friday.
Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:
All homework should be completed by the following Monday and will be checked by your teacher on this day. Please make sure that if you are having difficulties with the homework, that you contact your class teacher with plenty of time so that they can assist your child in its completion. In addition, the school also run a homework club which can really help support those children that struggle completing their tasks independently.
Topic - Superheroes
As mathematicians, we will learn:
- -Count within 20
- Understand numbers 10-20
- 1 more and 1 less
- The number line to 20
- Use a number line to 20
- Estimate on a number line to 20
- Compare numbers to 20
- Order numbers to 20
As writers, we will:
- - Read The Lion Inside
- To use capital letter and a fullstop, some question marks and exclamation marks
- Join words and clauses using and
- Some accurate use of the prefix un-
- Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root word e.g. -ed, ing, -er, -est
- Use some story language
- Include and describe new characters
- Include and describe the setting
- Write simple sentences in sequence (link ideas with pronouns)
- Include a beginning, middle and end
As Scientists we will investigate and explore:
- Identifying plants and their features.
- Recalling some of the roles that flowering plant parts have
- Recalling some of the roles that flowering plant parts have.
- Naming some trees and their parts.
- Identifying similarities and differences between deciduous and evergreen leaves
- Recalling that seeds and bulbs come from plants.
- Recognising that seeds need water for growth.
As Geographers we will:
- Use map of the United Kingdom and atlases to identify and locate the countries of the United Kingdom.
- We will name and locate the capital cities of the four countries within the United Kingdom.
- We will find out about some of the wonders of the United Kingdom, both physical and natural geographical features and locate them on a map.
As Historians we will be answering the questions:
- - What are superheroes?
- - How did Florence Nightingale change nursing forever?
- - Who was Mary Seacole?
- - How were Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole similar and different?
- - How does Rosa Parks help us to understand our core value of – Respect?
- - Was Neil Armstrong an explorer?
- - How did Emmeline Pankhurst change things for women?
- - Which superhero had the most impact?
As Design Technicians we will be:
- - Developing our own design brief from a problem given
- - Exploring & investigating a range of existing products
- - Exploring and use mechanisms
- - Selecting from and using a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks
- - Designing a superhero vehicle.
- - Making a superhero vehicle and evaluate it.
As Computer Technicians we will:
- Explore a new application independently.
- Explain what the blocks on scratch do and use them for a purpose.
- Recognise a loop in cong and why it is useful.
- Use a code to create an animation of an animal moving.
- Use a code to follow and create an algorithm.
- Program code to run on tap.
- Explain the role of the blocks in a program they have created.
As Musicians we will be learning:
Identify the parts of the ukelele, such as the strings, frets, tuning pegs and body to understand how the instruments work.
Learn to hold the ukelele properly and use basic downstroke and upstrokes to create rhythm.
Begun to understand how to tune the ukelele with guidance, focusing on hearing pitches and learning string names (G,C,E,A)
Use basic chords and rhythms to play familiar nursery rhymes or children's songs, fostering a sense of achievement.
Practice simple one finger chords like C and A to build confidence in finger placement and transitions.
Develop listening skills by playing along with the teacher or classmates to stay in rhythm and understand tempo.
As students of Religious Education we will think about:
- What is precious to Jewish people? What does a mezuzah remind Jewish people about?
- How and why do Jewish people celebrate Shabbat?
- What stories do Jewish people tell from the Torah?
- What might the story Chanukah make Jewish people think about?
As students of PSHE we will learn:
- To understand your rights and responsibilities as a member of your class
- About what improves and harms our local, natural and built environments.
- To develop the strategies and skills needed to care for our local environment.
- To learn that money comes from the different sources and can be used for different purposes, including the concepts os spending and saving.
- To learn about the role money plays in your lives.
As Artists we will be:
- Learning to know about the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh
- Understanding how to mix colours
- Designing and making a flower based on Van Gogh's work "Sunflowers".
- Evaluating our finished artwork.