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Reception HBL

Welcome to Reception HBL Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.

So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.

Your Class Teachers

This year you are lucky enough to have two different teachers within your class. You will have Mrs Hamm Balliu Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Lindop on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

You will also have Miss Kenney supporting in the class each day. 


PE will take place every Thursday.

For PE sessions please bring the following:

- Black shorts, legins or jogging bottoms

- White t-shirt or polo shirt

- Black pumps or trainers

It is usually best to leave your child's PE kit in school for the half-term so that it is always available to use.


It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day as the days on which they will be able to read with an adult may change from time to time. It is also crucial that you listen to your child read each evening and ensure that you sign their reading record highlighting what they have read and how they performed.

Within this class reading records will be checked and books changed on a --.

Your children will also have two guided reading sessions a week and all focussed children will be sent home with a story bag for you all to enjoy. Please ensure that these get returned to school at the end of the week. 


Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:

All homework should be completed by the following Monday and will be checked by your teacher on this day. Please make sure that if you are having difficulties with the homework, that you contact your class teacher with plenty of time so that they can assist your child in its completion. In addition, the school also run a homework club which can really help support those children that struggle completing their tasks independently.


Our summer topic is: Would we see a dinosaur in Timperley Village

Within this topic the children will be learning all about dinosaurs. Children will gain an understanding of what dinosaurs are and what the world looked like when they were around. Children will be making lots of dinosaur sounds, moving around like a dinosaur and exploring what foods they might eat. 

Our key text is Gigantosaurus 

Our Personal, Social and Emotional focus for this half term will be...

  • Show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.
  • Identify and moderate their own feelings socially and emotionally
  • Think about the perspectives of others.
  • Manage their own needs.

Our Communication and Language focus for this half term will be...

  • Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what has been said to them.
  • Connect one idea or action to another using a range of connectives.
  • Use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities, and to explain how things work and why they might happen.
  • Use new vocabulary in different contexts.
  • Engage in non-fiction books
  • Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary

Our Physical Development focus for this half term will be... 

  • Develop the overall body strength, coordination, balance and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.
  • Use their core muscle strength to achieve a good posture when sitting at a table or sitting on the floor.
  • Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming. Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball.

Our Literacy focus for this half term will be...

  • Read simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter–sound correspondences and, where necessary, a few exception words.
  • Re-read books to build up their confidence in word reading, their fluency and their understanding and enjoyment.
  • Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s.
  • Write short sentences with words with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter and full stop.
  • Re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.

Our Maths focus for this half term will be...

  • Subitise
  • Compare numbers.
  • Explore the composition of numbers to 10.
  • Select, rotate and manipulate shapes in order to develop spatial reasoning skills.
  • Compose and decompose shapes so that children recognise a shape can have other shapes within it, just as numbers can.
  • Continue, copy and create repeating patterns.

Our Understanding the world focus for this half term will be...

  • Comment on images of familiar situations in the past.
  • Compare and contrast characters from stories, including figures from the past.
  • Draw information from a simple map.
  • Explore the natural world around them.
  • Recognise some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.
  • Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.
  • Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.
  • Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.

Our Expressive, Arts and Design focus for this half term will be... 

  • Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.
  • Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.
  • Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.