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Outdoor Learning

At Broomwood Primary School we believe that every child should have access to outdoors on a regular basis as research shows that Outdoor Learning has a positive impact on children’s wellbeing as well as a positive impact on attainment. Many of the families in our community have limited, if any, access to greenspace and so it is our responsibility to provide this for them in a carefully structured way.



It is recognised that Outdoor Learning has a positive impact on children’s wellbeing

  • An Australian review by Keniger et al. categorises the purported benefits of interacting with nature as psychological, cognitive, physiological, social, spiritual and tangible.
  • There is also relatively good evidence for ‘adventure learning’, with the EEF concluding that there are benefits for academic learning, particularly for vulnerable students and teenagers.

Outdoor Learning has a positive impact on attainment

  • In 2008, Ofsted published a report “Learning Outside the Classroom - how far should you go?” which found overwhelming evidence that LOtC (Learning Outside the Classroom) contributes significantly to raising standards and the quality and depth of learning.
  • Ofsted is clear that the more planned and integrated LOtC is, the more effective it is. LOtC should not be about a once a year school trip, but about frequent, continuous and progressive opportunities to learn outside the classroom that build on knowledge and skills gained during previous experiences both inside and outside the classroom.


  • To have a planned, progressive Outdoor Curriculum – from Pre-school to Year 6 - to enhance our already existing broad and balanced curriculum.
  • We aim for children to develop socially and emotionally whilst developing new skills and knowledge of the wider world.
  • For all children to develop a positive mind-set allowing them to achieve their goals and be successful in their core learning.
  • To tie in our Outdoor Curriculum with the Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy and ensure our Children and their families recognise their impact on the planet and how to make a more positive contribution.


Principles of Outdoor Learning 

At Broomwood Primary School our Outdoor Learning Curriculum is built around 8 core principles. It is our INTENT that;

  1. Children enjoy participating in outdoor activities and adopt a positive attitude to challenge, learning and adventure.
  2. Children develop an increased motivation and appetite for learning which contributes to raised levels of attainment and progress in other areas of their development.
  3. Children are offered the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to themselves and their environment.
  4. Holistic development is promoted fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
  5. Children are able to develop their self-awareness and social skills, and their appreciation of teamwork and collaboration.
  6. Children are able to demonstrate increased initiative, self-reliance, responsibility, perseverance, tenacity and commitment.
  7. Children develop an appreciation of the benefits of participation in outdoor activities for their physical health and emotional well-being and seek to continue their interest in activities beyond their immediate learning environment.
  8. Children gain a deeper awareness and understanding of the environment and actively seek opportunities to reduce the impact that they and others have on the environment – locally and globally – and to understand the importance of conservation and sustainable development.


Year Group

Learning Opportunity

Principles Covered



Wellie Walks

1, 2, 5, 7



Wellie Walks

1, 2, 5, 7



Forest School

1, 2,3, 4, 5

Summer Term - Weekly

Year 1

Forest School

1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Autumn Term - weekly

Year 2

Forest School

1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Spring Term - weekly

Year 3

Living off the land/Cooking

5, 6, 7, 8

After school club – Spring Term

Cooking weekly 3 x half terms




Year 4


5, 6, 7, 8

Monthly across the year




5, 6, 7

PE week

Year 5

Map work and walking in the countryside - Expedition

1, 5, 6, 7, 8

Summer 1 - weekly




Year 6

Outdoor and Adventure Residential

1, 2, 3, 5, 6,

Autumn 1 – 3 days


5, 6, 7

Summer 2 - weekly


At Broomwood Primary School, the IMPACT of our Outdoor Learning Curriculum is that;

  • Children develop a love of the outdoors and recognise the health benefits that it brings.
  • Children are emotionally ready to engage in their formal learning and therefore achieve their potential and beyond.
  • Children build confidence and put into practice the school core values of Respect, Nurturing, Welcoming, Commitment and Togetherness.
  • Language skills are developed resulting in improved social communication and increased vocabulary.
  • Children are given opportunities to experience the world beyond their home and school and learn how to protect it for future generations.

This will be measured through pupil and parent feedback, SEMH audits and engagement within lessons.