Welcome to our Nursery Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.
So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.
Your Class Teachers
This year you are lucky enough to have Mrs Russell as your child's class teacher, and Miss Walton as your child's teaching assistant, full time in Nursery.
We will be doing stretch and grow on a Monday afternoon and Friday morning. Come in your active clothes/shoes for these sessions.
Yoga will be every Monday with Mrs Ash.
We will be doing forest school every Wednesday so please come dressed appropriately - waterproofs, wellies and layers during the winter months.
It is important that your child builds up a love of books and reading for pleasure!
Every Monday your child will be given a new library book when their previous one is returned. This book is to enjoy together throughout the week and over the weekend.
Story bags will be given out to your child when they are a focus child for that week. This includes a book for you to share and enjoy with your child, as well as some other resources. Please look after the resources within the bag and return it on the Monday ready to be sent home with another child.
Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, Tapestry. You can search for this through the app store or via an email login.
All homework should be completed by the following Monday and Mrs Russell will check and respond to this within that time. Some homework will involve an activity through the app, and other homework challenges will be a practical challenge for you to complete with your child.
Our Spring topics are: What do we know about the amazing animals in our stories? (Spring 1)
What can you spot through a magnifying glass? (Spring 2)
Within these topics, we will be learning lots about different types of animals. We will be learning about jungle animals, farm animals, pets, sea creatures and meeting many more animals within our stories! We will learn about baby animals and the different things that animals need. We will also be continuing to develop our PSED skills through our Think Equal sessions, focussing on what makes us unique and special and the differences in the world around us. We will be exploring many roles within the community, such as nurses, dentists, firefighters etc. and how they help us.
Our key text for Spring 1 is 'The Little Red Hen' and for Spring 2, 'What the Ladybird heard'.
We will also be focussing on different key texts each week as part of the NELI project.
Our Personal, Social and Emotional focus for this half term will be...
- To label emotions and use this in everyday language - happy, sad.
- To begin to understand and use the words scared, excited, worried, angry and frustrated.
- To understand the need to care for living things and animals.
- To gain an understanding of how we care for living things and animals.
- To develop more tools to use to solve conflicts with peers.
- To gain more awareness about being healthy, hygiene and independence with self-care routines.
Our Communication and Language focus for this half term will be...
- To engage within NELI sessions learning and understanding new words and phrases.
- To retain and retell some familiar stories.
- To engage in some different songs about animals - Old Mcdonald had a farm/Down in the jungle.
- To follow a two-part instruction.
- To understand who, that, where, and simply why questions.
- To become familiar with our senses.
- To understand and use prepositions in front and behind. To repeat a three word phrase back correctly.
Our Physical Development focus for this half term will be...
- To jump, skip, balance using arms and legs, hop and move and stop to avoid others.
- To draw animals using lines and circles and begin to add details.
- To become more independent using zips and putting on hats, gloves, coats and shoes.
- To show a preference for a dominant hand.
- To become more confident with holding one handed tools and equipment, showing good control.
Our Literacy focus for this half term will be...
- To engage within the NELI programme, completing daily sessions and weekly texts.
- To pick up on new vocabulary, understanding the meaning of new words.
- To engage in a range of stories, both fiction and non-fiction.
- To retell familiar stories, using small world props and characters.
- To sequence a familiar text,using images.
- To understand different characters and how they are feeling.
- To create recognisable marks, using lines, circles and pre-writing shapes.
Our Maths focus for this half term will be...
- To join in with daily number songs.
- To make some symbols and marks to represent numbers.
- To be more confident with numbers 3 and 4 and counting from 0-5.
- To name 2D shapes - circle, square, rectangle and triangle.
- To name 3D shapes - cube, sphere and pyramid.
Our Understanding the world focus for this half term will be...
- To use words related to the school day - before, after, next.
- To develop an awareness of winter and Spring.
- To talk about what they did over the Christmas holidays.
- To learn about other festivals and celebrations such as Chinese New Year.
- To begin to understand different occupations through using a vet role-play area.
- To understand and name some different animals, their body parts, where they live and what we get from an animal.
- To show care and concern for living things such as animals.
Our Expressive, Arts and Design focus for this half term will be...
- To gain more of an understanding of how they are feeling and to express this.
- To pitch match with another person.
- To use the props in the vets to role play a vets surgery.
- To investigate which surface area is the best to build a den.
- To mix a range of colours when creating different animals.
- To use a range of materials to create an animal habitat.
- To bake bread like the little red hen.
- To create animal shapes and enclosures using the playdough.
- To use musical instruments, making a range of sounds and experimenting with fast and slow sounds.