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Our curriculum is designed in this manner as sequential and progressive teaching has been scientifically proven to improve the transition of knowledge from the short term to long-term memory. Revising and revisiting learning regularly through our schemas supports this transition process. In addition, this development of schemas acts as a cognitive shortcut making the storage and retrieval of knowledge much quicker and more efficient.


We provide a maths curriculum that is designed to ensure that children are taught the key substantive knowledge in a sequential and progressive manner. This regular revisiting of mathematical areas allows our children to build schema from simple networks into more complex structures. Disciplinary knowledge of varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving is also embedded within the curriculum to guarentee the transition of maths knowledge into the long-term memory.

Content: Our intention is that topics taught contribute to a subject-specific schema. We intend to map topics so as to form these effectively over the long term. This is set down in the long-term plans below.

Progression: We intend for students to make progress by remembering more and knowing more as they develop across the school. We intend to sequence topics so as to build on prior knowledge, this is set down within our progression document.







The implementation of our curriculum is guided by the curriculum planning and progression set down within our intent. This is taken from White Rose Maths to ensure curriculum coverage of substantive knowledge across the school as well as skills development within the schema identified.

Our implementation:

- Uses pre-learning tasks before each unit of work to identify starting points, highlight gaps in learning and inform targeted planning.

- Includes the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources to introduce children to the substantive knowledge as well as giving them common resources around which schema can be developed

- Provides children with opportunities to develop their disciplinary knowledge of varied fluency, problem-solving and reasoning activities. Applying the substantive knowledge they have learnt into wide-ranging situations.

 - Creates strong links with other areas of the curriculum, supplying children with real contexts in which to apply their mathematical learning and develop curriculum cohesion


Through our curriculum INTENT and IMPLEMENTATION we ensure that:

- All children are accessing the substantive knowledge taught and where necessary reasonable adjustments are used to support access to this. Through half-termly teacher assessments and termly formal testing we can track the progress of individuals and groups, ensuring that all children are making progress across the school.

- Where children are struggling to consolidate the substantive knowledge a graduated approach of support is implemented for all. Starting from the increased use of individualised concrete resources and moving towards focused additional intervention groups all children are supported in making progress.

- By the end of Year 6, all children from Broomwood Primary school are well-prepared to make the transition to High School maths with the percentage of children reaching the expected standard being in-line with the National Average.

- Through regular monitoring of teaching and learning as well as half-termly data analysis progression of substantive knowledge can be tracked. This close monitoring ensures that effective support can be directed as and when required, meaning that all children can progress well.

- Through disciplines of varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving children have developed their substantive knowledge within maths around strong schema. By Year 6 their long-term memory has changed as such so that they are confident and adaptable mathematicians.

- Children use accurate mathematical vocabulary and terminology in-line with the progressive nature of the curriculum. The teaching and application of this is monitored across the school, making sure that this vocabulary plays a vital role in the development of their different schema.

- Teachers use pre-learning tasks as well as assessment for learning throughout their teaching to ensure they have a good understanding of their children’s starting points. They use this knowledge to effectively guide the learning to support individual children. Strong differentiation and the use of concrete and pictorial resources make sure that all children can access learning and make progress towards the same substantive knowledge.

- Through extra-curricular activities, such as the Primary Maths Challenge, children get to apply their maths learning in different contexts allowing them to see maths outside of the classroom.

- In addition, through STEM Week children can see the important role that maths plays in the wider world and the importance of good maths understanding in many different careers. Children leave Broomwood Primary School understanding the important role maths will play in their future life and job role.

What's Going On In Maths?