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At Broomwood Primary School, Geography is a valued part of the curriculum, providing a purposeful means for exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved. Geography explores the relationship between the Earth and its people.  Geography is concerned with pupils learning about their own locality, whilst becoming aware of and developing knowledge and understanding of the world beyond their own environment. 


The purpose of Broomwood Primary School’s geography intent is to provide a framework for high quality geography education across the key stages to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. The aim is to ensure that pupils will know more, remember more and understand more: creating a change to the long term memory year on year.  The pupils will be equipped with knowledge about a diverse range of places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the earth’s key physical and human processes.

Pupils should make sense of the complex world around them, understand and be confident to investigate some of the major issues, challenges and opportunities that the world faces today. Pupils will develop greater competence in using geographical knowledge, approaches, concepts and skills in analysing and interpreting a wide range of different geographical information. In that way pupils will enrich their locational knowledge and spatial and environmental understanding as well as acquire the geographical cultural capital needed to be confident and successful global citizens.

Broomwood Primary’s community has changed and become more diverse over recent years with Chinese, African and Indian communities settling in the local area and our cross-curricular topic-based curriculum is reflecting this change with the countries and cultures studied.  We want our school community to build a sense of cultural cohesion, to enable students to make informed choices about what they believe in and a responsibility to show them that the world is bigger than our local area and gain an understanding that people travel and settle in our local area from around the world.

Children learn about British Values through geography lessons by exploring how places have been changed through human and physical processes. Geography helps pupils to understand the ways in which communities and societies are linked. It encourages children to gain an appreciation of the diversity of people’s backgrounds and to understand society better. This helps to encourage positive relationships and shared values including tolerance and harmony, and a respect for the rule of law whist developing a sense of self-worth. Geography promotes understanding, tolerance and harmony within local and wider communities. These values are rooted in our school values – togetherness, nurturing, welcoming, respect and commitment and rewarded in our day-to-day teaching, showing that qualities such as tolerance, mutual respect, teamwork and resilience are valued as we aim to build students’ self-esteem.

Fieldwork is recognised as an essential component of the practice of Geography and is mapped throughout the topic units in the two-year cycle of our rolling programme of study. Fieldwork is an essential part of geographical study because it gives:

  • Enjoyment and inspiration through memorable experiences.
  • Opportunities for developing practical group work and leadership skills.
  • Improved behaviours towards learning by increasing confidence and the ability to deal with risk and uncertainty.
  • Opportunities to acquire knowledge of the world through direct observation and to develop better understanding of the nature of Geographical Knowledge.

Trips and visits enhance our Geography curriculum by giving many opportunities for fieldwork experiences. However, our beautiful and rural school grounds are our very best tool for teaching and learning fieldwork skills:

  • Accessibility - they are just outside our classroom doors.
  • Builds on children's knowledge and experience of a familiar place.
  • Motivation - children are interested in their own place.
  • Provides the opportunity to investigate many aspects of physical, human and environmental geography.

Running through our geography curriculum are the golden threads of:

Sense of Place: a sense of place comes from experiences in the natural world and the meaning found within those experiences. Places carry meaning, memories, cultures, and people. Integrating a Sense of Place in the geography curriculum allows the children to transform a simple place into a home, a neighbourhood, or a community.   Developing this sense of place lets children know that they belong in the physical world around them and in the social and cultural world they share with others.

Society: opportunities are provided to discuss with pupils the important social processes (the pattern of growth and change in a society over the years) and the political, economic and cultural forces that underpin identity and diversity. They explore identity and cultures sensitively so that they celebrate difference but also recognise what we have in common.  Studying how different cultures and communities live will help pupils better understand news, help fight climate change, be a part of a global community, understand cultures.

Economic Activity: the children will learn about global trade, the global supply chain, what the UK exports and to where and about Fair Trade. They will investigate how where a person lives affects how they work and the related industries. The resources that different regions have. Discover what are imports and exports and why do different countries import and export.

The substantive knowledge concepts:

Location (L)

Knowing where places are and having spatial awareness of different countries using maps of the world and other sources leading to a detailed understanding of their environmental regions, physical and human characteristics, countries and cities.

Place and space (PS)

Understanding the geographical similarities, differences and links between places and regions

Physical world (PW)

Understanding the processes that give rise to key physical features of the world, how they are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time.

Human environment (HE)

Understanding the processes that give rise to key human features of the world, how they are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time.

Interdependence and sustainability (IS)

The significant links between places, features, events and people. It examines the importance and impact of maintaining, modifying or breaking connections and the impact this has upon the long-term health of our planet, its people and environments.

Cultural understanding (CU)

Understanding the differences between themselves and people from other countries or other backgrounds, especially differences in attitudes and values.

The 6 disciplinary knowledge concepts:

Globes, maps and atlases (GMA)

Developing the ability to utilise a range of geographical information sources to help to develop an extensive knowledge of a wide range of places, environments and features at a range of scales.

OS map skills (OSM)

To develop a range of OS map skills and to be able to use these with confidence to infer information about a place and apply this in context in the classroom and in the field.

Geographical information systems (GIS)

To confidently generate, interpret, and infer spatial patterns and trends from a range of sources of G.I.S

Geographical fieldwork (F)

To be able to plan and undertake independent enquiry in which skills, knowledge and understanding are applied to investigate geographical questions.

Geographical literacy (English)

Show competence in a range of intellectual (imagining, challenging their own understanding; giving and taking information from their own experiences) and communication skills (oral and written), including the formulation of arguments which include elements of synthesis and evaluation of material. The ability to read for geographical meaning in text of an increasingly complex nature (vocabulary and context).

Geographical numeracy (Maths)

Numeracy (number and measurement)-solving numerical problems, the ways in which numerical information is gathered by counting and measuring, and how it is presented in graphs, charts and tables. There are many opportunities within geography for students to develop their numeracy skills.


Geography at Broomwood Primary is taught throughout the year, every half-term, so that children can achieve depth in their learning. Sometimes, geography is the key driver in our curriculum so will have more of a focus.

Geography is taught over a two-year rolling programme and key stages work on the same topic. An advantage of the two-year cycle is that children learn some age-related expectations one year and then secure their learning the following year- an opportunity to provide for even greater 'mastery' of learning; and an opportunity to go deeper with the learning, to use and apply their learning in more situations. This also ensures that Broomwood is able to maintain a sustainable curriculum due to pupil numbers within the school fluctuating at certain points. Additionally, it supports teachers in working collaboratively together as a team to discuss the best ways to approach the teaching and learning of particular concepts.  

Substantive knowledge and key skills have been identified by the subject leader for each overarching topic and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics throughout each year group across the school.

At the beginning of each topic, Teachers recap on previous knowledge often with a 'flash back four' type activity. Children are therefore able to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points. As the geography curriculum has been designed by the school, we ensure that there is flexibility with the implementation but that the substantive knowledge does not change. 

The substantive knowledge for each lesson is informed by the national curriculum 2014 and children are guided towards this within each lesson through the use of success criteria. Teaching and learning within geography is supported by a wealth of resources, including specific online platforms, such as Digimaps. Outdoor learning is planned for and progressive throughout the school and programmes of work are embedded with key knowledge, which itself has been mapped, along with key skills, to support affective assessment and ensure progression across the school.

We are very proud of our extensive school grounds and use these in a variety of ways to help children learn geographical skills and to respect the school grounds and wider environment.

We have a gardening club which supports aspects of the Geography curriculum as children develop knowledge of how the physical aspects can be cultivated for human development and linked to similarities/differences in the area. Greater awareness of sustainable living spreads from children to parents and across the entire community; parents play a more active role in their children’s learning and life of the school.

Cross-curricular outcomes in geography are specifically planned for, with strong links between geography, history, science and literacy lessons identified, planned for and utilised.

Children should be given the opportunity to use appropriate Information Technology. When any aspect of ICT is used within this subject the e-safety policy will be followed.


Early Years:

Within the Early Years Foundation Stage, geography is included as part of Understanding the World. The children learn to investigate similarities and differences, the local environment and cultures and beliefs, fostering the skills essential to developing historical understanding. This is set out in the early year’s curriculum as children needing to:

  • Observe, find out about, and identify features in the place they live and the natural world;
  • Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people;
  • Find out about their environment, and talk about those features they like and dislike and how it could be improved.

Key Stage 1:

During Key Stage 1, pupils investigate their local area and a contrasting area in the United Kingdom or abroad, finding out about the environment in both areas and the people who live there. They also begin to learn about the wider world. They carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this, they ask geographical questions about people, places and environments, and use geographical skills and resources, such as globes, atlases, maps and photographs.

Key Stage 2:

During Key Stage 2, pupils investigate a variety of people, places and environments in the United Kingdom and abroad, and start to make links between different places in the world. They find out how people affect the environment and how they are affected by it. Pupils carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this, they ask geographical questions, and use geographical skills and resources, such as maps, atlases, aerial photographs and ICT. Children will develop geographical enquiry skills, including asking geographical questions, collecting and recording information and identifying different views. They will acquire the appropriate practical skills associated with Geography, including using suitable vocabulary, fieldwork techniques and maps, plans and atlases. Pupils will use secondary sources of information with accuracy, including aerial photographs, satellite images, etc. As well as making its own distinctive contribution to the school curriculum, geography contributes to the wider aims of primary education. Teachers will ensure that links between subjects are maximized, including history, science, literacy and computing.


As we have two form entry, we do the medium-term planning on a two-year rotation cycle. In this way, we ensure that children have complete coverage of the National Curriculum but do not have to repeat topics. See long term plan for Geography on the website.

Field Work

It is encouraged that teachers plan opportunities to use the school grounds, local environment and going further afield to conduct geographical fieldwork. When sessions lead to leaving the school grounds staff must adhere to the Trafford Authority Risk Assessment procedures using Evolve. (See additional risk assessment policies for further information and clarification.)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural opportunities

Geography is an excellent vehicle for developing children’s learning in this area. Discussions about the use of the world’s resources and the impact of different events on the lives of local people deepen the

children’s ability to understand and empathise with fellow humans across the globe. The opportunities to explore ‘putting yourself in someone else’s shoes’ abound in the study of geography and it is embraced during the teaching wherever possible. This is developed through the key learning and progression of skills as Global Citizenship.

Role of Co-ordinator

The Geography co-ordinator leads the maintenance and development of the subject. The subject leader’s responsibilities are:

    • To ensure a high profile of the subject
    • To ensure a full range of relevant and effective resources are available to enhance and support learning.
    • To ensure progression of the key knowledge and skills identified within each unit and that these are integral to the programme of study and secure at the end of each age phase.
    • To monitor books and ensure that key knowledge is evidenced in outcomes, alongside and as supported, by SMT
    • To monitor planning and oversee the teaching of geography
    • To lead further improvement in and development of the subject as informed by effective subject overview
    • To ensure that the geography curriculum has a positive effect on all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have low attainment
    • To ensure that the geography curriculum take account of the school’s context, promotes children’s pride in the local area and provides access to positive role models from the local area to enhance the geography curriculum
    • To ensure that approaches are informed by and in line with current identified good practice and pedagogy

Health and Safety

The School’s policy for visits and excursions will be adhered to for all trips. A copy of the Health and Safety policy can be found in the school office. This is supplemented with LEA guidance concerning Educational Visits.

Ensuring continuity and progression in learning

Whilst knowing more is an integral part of continuity and progression it is nevertheless just one element of it and merely sequencing subject content will not ensure on its own that our pupils become better geographers. To ensure continuity and progression for all pupils the curriculum is carefully organised EYFS – Year 6 to ensure that our pupil’s knowledge and understanding of geography develops because:

  • Expected subject outcomes in terms of developing as a young geographer increase in complexity and level of challenge as detailed above and are used as the starting point for all planning of content delivery and learning and teaching enquiries
  • There is increasing breadth and scale of study through the curriculum moving progressively from personal experiences to local, regional, national and global perspectives informed by the guidance of the National Curriculum.
  • The curriculum becomes progressively more complex developing from discrete facts and bodies of information to conceptual awareness and generalised knowledge about more abstract ideas;
  • The mastery and application of geographical tools and skills occurs in more precise and complex contexts;
  • The focus of what pupils learn becomes gradually more issues based enabling them to explain links, patterns and processes and be more informed and mature in their thinking and self-reflection in terms of recognising the importance of attitudes and values about contested matters.


The Geography co-ordinator will oversee planning and monitor pupil’s work. At the end of each unit, the key knowledge, understanding and appropriate fieldwork skills will be assessed by the class teacher. The teacher will assess the child as either working towards the expected level, attaining the expected level or exceeding the expected level. Within school, we use 'Kahoot' as an end of topic summative assessment which enables us to rectify any misconceptions within that unit. Such assessments also support the teacher in providing a final geography judgement that is given to the  parents at the end of an academic year. 

Formative assessment also happens in the following ways:

  • observation of pupils
  • talking with pupils
  • marking written work
  • self-assessment
  • peer assessment
  • the evaluation of discussion

Equal Opportunities

We believe that all children irrespective of background, race, gender and capability should have equal access to the curriculum as stated in each curriculum policy.

The school makes every effort to respect and reflect pupils’ religious beliefs and take community views into account when teaching Geography. A copy of the school’s equal opportunities policy can be found in the school office.

Adaptive methods

At Broomwood we recognise the need to cater for children and particularly for those with special educational needs. We use adaptive teaching methods and record in various ways to ensure that all pupils can access the learning objective within a lesson and that there is equity for all. Examples include:

  • Discussions
  • Collaborative working groups (mixed ability)
  • The use of QR codes
  • Practical resources and a multi-sensory approach to teaching
  • Experiences beyond the school.

Tasks can be broken down into small steps, giving children achievable goals. Vocabulary can be pre- taught. Word banks and visual cues can be provided, using symbols and words (Key staff are trained in BSL to use where appropriate). Activities should reinforce children’s understanding of the subject. The more able children should be given open-ended tasks and opportunities for further research and more challenging study.


  • Pupils are given opportunities to support achieving the expected standard within geography.
  • Pupils' knowledge and skills will develop progressively as they move through the school, not only to enable them to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but to prepare them to become competent geographers in secondary education.
  • Pupils develop a secure knowledge about the golden threads- sense of place, society and economic activity.
  • Pupils will have developed the geographical knowledge and skills to help them explore, navigate and understand the world around them: how it works, how it fits together and how to make a difference and become positive contributors locally and globally.
  • Pupils develop knowledge about the world helps them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.